ゲノム学説を中心とする博士のコムギの研究は、遺伝学上の金字塔であるだけでなく、栽培植物の品種改良に巨大な進歩をもたらした。70年に及ぶ研究と将来への展望を示した学問的自伝。海外提携先:Elsevier B.V.
1 The Birthplace of Genetical Research on Wheat -- from Sapporo to Kyoto
2 The Continuation of Research on Pentaploid Hybrids
3 Further Studies on Pentaploid Wheat Hybrids
4 Genome Analysis I
5 Genome Analysis II
6 Karyotype Analysis I
7 Karyotype Analysis II
8 Research on Cytoplasm I
9 Research on Cytoplasm II --Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Hybrid--
10 Contributions and the Mode of Their Acceptance
Appendix 1 History of Biology and Other Sciences in Japan in Retrospect
Appendix 2 T.D. Lysenko
Appendix 3 Right- and Left-Handedness in Plants
Appendix 4 Right- and Left-Handedness in Plants (Addendum to the Appendix 3)
Appendix 5 History of Toshiya, an Archery Contest of Old Japan
Appendix 6 Seedless Fruits
Appendix 7 Photographic Review