Pleomorphic FungiThe Diversity and its Taxonomic Implications
- タイトル読み
- 著者ほか
- 杉山純多・編
- 著者ほか読み
- スギヤマジュンタ
- シリーズ:
- 英文書シリーズ
- 発行
- 1987
- サイズ
- B5変型
- ページ数
- 344
- 978-4-06-202369-6
- 定価
- 13,200円(税込)
- 在庫
- 在庫無し
菌類の生育条件や環境条件によって種々の形態を示す多形態性につき、担子菌類と子のう菌類、不完全菌類を中心に、世界の第一線の研究者が解説した世界初の成書。海外提携先:Elsevier B.V.
1. Pleomorphic Fungi: Introductory Remarks
2. Geographical Distribution of the Pleomorphic Plectomycetes in Asia and Their Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections
3. Taxonomic Implications of Variation among Hypocrealean Anamorphs
4. Pleomorphy in Sordariales
5. Pleomorphy in Marine Fungi: Teleomorph-Anamorph Connections in the Halosphaeriaceae
6. Pleomorphy in Some Hyphopodiate Fungi
7. Two Metacapnodiaceous Sooty Moulds from Japan: Their Identity and Behavior in Pure Culture
8. Proving the Anamorphic Connection
9. Some Plant Pathogenic Fungi and Their Teleomorphs
10. Pleomorphy in Holobasidiomycetes
11. Pleoanamorphy of Yeast-Like Fungi and Little-Differentiated Hyphomycetes
12. Pleomorphy in Helicosporous Hyphomycetes
13. The Significance of Conidiogenesis in Pleoanamorphy
14. Pleoanamorphy and Its Nomenclatural Problem