応用数学の第一人者が積分方程式の統一的な理論と物理学・工学への幅広い応用を紹介。実例や練習問題を完備して、応用数学・理工学系の技術者・大学院生・学生に最適。海外提携先:Oxford University Press
PART I. Fundamental Theories of Integral Equations
1. Introduction and Classification of Integral Equations
2. Methods of Solution of Integral Equations
3. Particular Methods of Solution of Integral Equations
4. Method of Approximate Solutions of Integral Equations
5. Applications of Integral Equations (I)
PART II. Special Theories of Integral Equations : Summary of Special Theories
6. Symmetric Kernels
7. Singular Integral Equations
8. Singular Kernels
9. Nonlinear Integral Equations
10. Applications of Integral Equations (II)