?. New Trends in Electrochemical Technology
1. Future Perspectives in Electrochemical Processing and Technology
2. High Density Magnetic Recording Media Prepared by Electroless-Plating Method
3. Metallurgical Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Electroless Copper Deposits
4. Synthesis of Advanced Materials by Electrochemical Processing in Nonaqueous Media
II. New Methods of Electrochemical Approaches
5. The Electrochemical QCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance) Method
6. Multichannel Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Real-Time Analysis of Electrochemical and Plasma Deposition of Thin Films
7. Real-Time, Submonolayer Monitoring of Electrochemical Processes Using Acoustic Plate Mode Devices
8. Photoacoustic Applications to the Solid/Liquid Interface
9. In-situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Electrode/Solution Interfaces
10. Microtopography of Electrochemical Surface Layers
11. Laser lnterferometry as an in-situ Technique to Characterize Electrochemical Processes
12. Photocurrent and Photopotential Transients of n- and p-GaAs and n- and p-InP
13. Electrochemical Analysis of Electrode in Plasma and its Application