ガスセンサ、バイオセンサ、イオンセンサなど化学センサの基礎、実用化、応用に関する最新の先導的研究を集録。国際的に精選された第一線の研究者が、新技術の展開のみならず研究思想や方法論にも言及。信頼性の高い情報を提供する最新のシリーズ。海外提携先:Elsevier B.V.
Recent Developments in Integrated Chemical Analyzing Systems
1. Introduction
2. Microvalves
3. Micropumps
4. Micro Flow Cell (Detector)
5. Prototype of Integrated Chemical Analyzing System
6. Conclusion
Electrochemical Microsensors
1. Introduction
2. Basic Sensor Cell Configuration
3. Microelectrodes and Microfabrication of Electrode Assemblies
4. Problems Associated with the Miniaturization of Electrodes
5. Examples of Electrochemical Microsensors and Their Applications
6. Research and Development Trend
Limiting Current Type Oxygen Sensor
1. Introduction
2. Measurement Principle of the Limiting Current Type Oxygen Sensor
3. Characteristics of the Limiting Current Type Oxygen Sensor
4. Applications Using Limiting Current Type Oxygen Sensor
5. Concluding Remarks
Semiconductor NOx Sensors for Exhaust Monitoring
1. Introduction
2. Recent Studies and Developments of NOx Sensors
3. Semiconductor Materials for NOx Sensors for Exhaust Monitoring
4. Characteristics of Titania NOx Sensors in Model Gases
5. Characteristics of NOx Sensors in Exhaust Gases
6. Summary
Electrochemical CO Sensor for Fire Alarm
1. Introduction
2. Fabrication of Micro CO Sensors
3. Basic Sensing Properties of the Micro CO Sensor
4. Improvements in Micro CO Sensors
5. Usefulness of the CO Sensor for Fire Detection
Hydrocarbon Gas Sensors
1. Introduction
2. Sensing Principle for Hydrocarbon Gases
3. Sensor Structures
4. The Properties of Hydrocarbon Gas Sensors
5. Gas Concentration Monitor
6. Concluding Remarks
Hybrid Gas Detector Based on Dye Langmuir-Blodgett Films Deposited on a Quartz Oscillator
1. Introduction
2. Current Researches on Gas Detectors Using Organic Thin Films
3. Squarylium Dye LB Film Containing J Aggregates
4. Highly Sensitive Optical Gas Detection with Squarylium Dye LB Film Containing J Aggregate
5. Hybrid Gas Detector of Dye LB Film Deposited on a Quartz Oscillator
6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Photopyroelectric Chemical Sensors
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions and Future Directions
Materials for in vivo Sensors
1. Introduction
2. Transducer Element
3. Reaction Layer
4. Packaging
5. Conclusions
Molecular Interfacing for Electron Transfer of Redox Enzymes
1. Introduction
2. Molecular Interface for Redox Enzymes
3. Electron Transfer of Monolayer Quinoprotein Adsorbed on the Electrode Surface
4. Electrochemical Oxidation and Reduction of PQQ Using a Conducting Polypyrrole-coated Electrode
5. Electrochemical Synthesis of FDH-Entrapped Polypyrrole Membrane Electrode
6. Enzyme Sensor for Fructose with Mediator/Molecular Interface/Enzyme System
7. Electron Transfer of Glucose Oxidase Through Polypyrrole
8. ADH-NAD-Mediator System in Conductive Polymer Membrane for Ethanol Sensor
Blood Glucose Monitoring with a Disposable Glucose Sensor
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusion
Protein Molecular Film Technology for Biosensors
1. Introduction
2. Protein Molecular Assemblies on the Stabilized Protein LB Film
3. Antibody Molecular Assemblies on Protein A LB Film
4. Conclusions
Suface Plasmon Immunosensors
1. Introduction
2. Immunoproteins as Specific Sensing Elements
3. Theory and Instrumentation of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
4. Modelling of SPR and Biospecific Layer
5. SPR Immunosensors
6. Protein Interaction Studies
7. Conclusions
A Lipid-Coated Quartz-Crystal Microbalance as an Olfacting Sensor in Both Aqueous and Gas Phases
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Adsorption Behaviors in a Gas Phase
5. Comparison Between Aqueous and Gas Systems
6. Conclusion
Semiconductor Trimethylamine Sensors to Detect Fish Freshness
1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion
4. Summary and Conclusions
Fuzzy Sensing
1. Introduction
2. Fuzzy Systems Theory
3. Sensor System
4. Fuzzy Sensing
5. Identification of Smoldering Fire by Fuzzy Sensing
6. Conclusion