サブタイトル: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Kyoto, May 17--22, 1992
・ Plenary Lecture: Novel Applications of Adsorption Technology
・ Plenary Lecture: Roles of Capillary Condensation in Adsorption
・ Theoretical Interpretation and Classification of Adsorption Isotherms for Simple Fluids
・ Simulated Counter-current Chromatographic Bioreactor-separators
・ Diffusion in Zeolite Adsorbents: Measurement, Modelling and Structure-performance Relation
・ Computer Simulation Studies of the Adsorption of Kr in a Pore of Triangular Cross-section
・ Synthesis, Sorptive Properties and Application of Spherically Granulated Titanium and Zirconium Hydroxophosphates
・ Evaluation of the Micropore-size Distribution Function from Gas Adsorption Data by Using a Simple Molecular Model
・ Radial Anisotropy of the Active Carbon Particles
・ Adsorption of Multicomponent Aromatics on Y Zeolite and Silicalite
・ Evaluation of Adsorbents for Volatile Organic Chemicals
・ Electrosorption an Activated Carbon Bed
・ Molecular Simulation of Adsorption and Diffusion in VPI-5 and Other Aluminophosphates
・ Direct Determination and Multiplicity of Periodic States of Adsorption Cycles
・ Adsorption of Water Vapours in Natural and Modified Zeolites
・ Prediction of Zeolites Diffusivities
・ A Molecular Dynamics Study of Adsorption and Transport of Fluid in Model Micropores
・ Adsorption and Desorption Dynamics of Hydrocarbons, SO2 and CO2 onto Activated Carbon -- Rate Mechanisms
・ Characteristics of Pore Structure of Adsorbents by Macromolecules Adsorption
・ Multilayer Adsorption and Pore Condensation in Controlled-Pore Glass: A Test of the Saam-Cole Theory of Mesopore Filling
・ PSA for Air Purification: Experiments and Modeling
・ Measurement and Prediction of Adsorption Equilibria of Quaternary Organic Solutes from Dilute Aqueous Solutions on Activated Carbon
・ Effect of Functional Groups on Adsorption of Organics Dissolved in Water onto Macroreticular Resin Particles
・ Adsorption of Organics onto High Silica Zeolite
・ Adsorption of Human Immunoglobulins on Activated Supports
・ Molecular Statistical Calculations of the Adsorption Equilibria of Single and Double Component Gaseous Systems in NaX Zeolites
・ Nonlinear Interaction of Laser Radiation with Chromat-anions(CrO4) Adsorbed on Dispersed Silica Surface
・ Purification of Enzyme by Affinity Separation with Magnetic Adsorbent
・ Adsorption of Argon, Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide and Water Vapour on Sepiolite and AlPO4 as Studied by Isothermal Microcalorimetry
・ Optimization of the Operation Parameters for Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption
・ Adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin onto Surface-Modified Carbon Fibers and Cellulose Derivatives
・ Sorption of Ethene and Propane and Their Binary Mixtures in Zeolites
・ Methods of Characterizing Sorbents for Air Sampling Purposes
・ Modifications of the Dubinin-Radushkevitch Equation for Microporous Adsorption
・ A New Method for Investigation of Sorption Kinetics of Volatile Multi-component Mixtures on Porous Solids
・ Hydrogen Sulfide Removal with Pressure Swing Adsorption from Process Off-gas
・ Adsorption and Diffusion of Methane in Carbon Pores at Low Temperatures
・ Microscopic Models for Adsorption Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Solids
・ Ultramicroporosimetry of Porous Solids by He Adsorption
・ The Use of High Resolution Adsorption Measurements for the Study of Porous Solids
・ Dynamic Behaviors in the Diffusion of Adsorbed Molecules in the Micropore of Zeolites as Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
・ Competitive Adsorption of Polymer Chains at Fractal Surfaces
・ Computer Simulation and Performance Analysis of a Purged Rotary Dehumidifier
・ Modeling of Equalization in Air Separation by Pressure Swing Adsorption
・ Surface Geometry Effects on Adsorption-Desorption Hysteresis, Latent Adsorption and Adsorption Probability Plots
・ Effect of Structural Heterogeneity on Multicomponent Adsorption: Benzene and p-Xylene Mixture on Silicalite
・ Study on Treatment of Organic Wastewater with Modified Bentonite Adsorbent
・ Adsorption of Proteins and Antibiotics on Porous Alumina Membranes
・ Adsorb-Sim Modules for Simulation of Adsorption in Micropores: Activated Carbon, Zeolites, Silica and Random Media
・ Neutron Scattering Investigations of the Structure and Adsorption Properties of Activated Carbon Fibers
・ Effective Adsorption and Desorption Systems for Semimetal Hydrides
・ Description of Heterogeneous Surfaces in Activated Chemisorption
・ Effect of Combined Adsorption and Absorption in Migration of Soil Contaminants
・ Chromatographic Study of Liquid Phase Adsorption of p-tert-Octylphenol on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel
・ An Estimation of Liquid Phase Adsorption Isotherms Based on the Capillary Phase Separation Concept
・ Adsorption Efficiency of Seawater Uranium with Amidoxime Fiber Balls Packed in a Cage
・ The Analysis of Surface and Pores of Activated Carbons by the Adsorption of Various Kinds of Gases
・ Evaluation of Microporous Texture of Undecomposed and Decomposed beta-FeOOH Fine Particles by Means of Adsorption Isotherms of Nitrogen Gas and Water Vapor
・ Thermodynamic and Kinetics Data of Sorption in Zeolites Determined by FTIR
・ Adsorption of Laterally Interacting Mixtures on Heterogeneous Solid Surfaces: A Model Study
・ Adsorption Characteristics of Organic Substances on Surface-modified Carbon Adsorbents: Effects of Surface-chemical Structure of Carbon Adsorbents on Adsorption
・ Analysis of Bimodal Pore Structure from Mercury Porosimetry Using Percolation Approach
・ Swelling-Shrinking Behavior in Packed Beds of Adsorbent During Column Operations
・ Two-body and Many-body Interactions for Argon Adsorbed in Silicalite Zeolites
・ Transport in Zeolites: Application of NMR and Computer Simulations to Probe Adsorption Phenomena
・ Adsorptive Properties of Microporous ZrO2 Gels
・ Intraparticle Diffusion and Convection in Adsorption Processes
・ Adsorption of Water Vapour on Activated Alumina
・ Two Surface Virial Analysis: Monoatomic Gas Adsorption on Graphite and Boron Nitride and Chlorofluorocarbon Adsorption on Microporous Carbon
・ Gas Adsorption Properties of MSC by Molecular Simulations
・ Prediction of Highly Nonideal Ternary Adsorption Equilibria
・ Effect of Structural Heterogeneity on the Diffusion of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Large Silicalite Crystals
・ Prediction of High Pressure Multicomponent Adsorption Equilibria
・ Investigation of Ion Exchange Phenomena in Frontal Anion Exchange Chromatography of a Protein
・ Porosity Characteristics of Lignite Chars
・ Analysis of a Six Port Simulated Moving Bed Separation Unit
・ Sorption Kinetics of Benzene and p-Xylene on Template Supported Synthesized Gallosilicates
・ On the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients by Uptake Rate Measurements
・ Determination of Adsorption Equilibria and Bidisperse Transport Properties of Adsorbents Using a Shallow Bed-diffusion Cell
・ Continuous Separation and Concentration of Proteins Using an Annular Chromatograph
・ Application of High Silica Zeolite to Remove Organic Vapors from Industrial Effluent Air
・ An Overview of Adsorptive Storage of Natural Gas
・ Influence of Surface Oxides of Carbonaceous Adsorbent on Liquid-phase Desorption Characteristics of Aromatic Compound
・ Irreversible Adsorption in Porous Materials
・ Analysis of Adsorption and Adhesion Behaviors of Modified Carbon Fibers by Means of Inverse Gas Chromatography
・ Novel Application of Adsorption: Energy Recovery
・ Computer Simulations of Benzene Adsorbed on Graphite. 85--298 K.
・ Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes -- Design and Simulation
・ Industrial Application of Low-temperature Steam Desorption System for Solvent Recovery by Activated Carbon
・ Effect of Pore Structure on the Adsorption of Coagulation Factor VIII on Aminohexyl- and DEAE-Glucomannan Gel
・ Adsorption of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on Polyvinylpyridine Resin
・ Highly Efficient Adsorbent for Separation of Carbon Monoxide
・ Heterogeneous Micropore Structure and Vapor Adsorption on Activated Carbons
・ Development of Adsorption Refrigerator Using Silicagel-Water Pairs
・ Recovery of Amine and Paints from Electrodeposition Wastewater by Adsorption on H-form Resin: Cyclic Operation
・ Breakthrough Curve for Adsorption of Acid Dye on Crosslinked Chitosan Fiber
・ Improvement to the Flory-Huggins VSM
・ Model for the Filling of Micropores Applicable to Adsorption of Hydrocarbons and Water by Activated Carbon
・ Report of Discussion Session on Pressure Swing Adsorption