遺伝子工学を取り込んだ注目の研究最新情報。バイオテクノロジーを用い、生理活性物質の作用機構、代謝機構を分子構造レベルで解明する動的天然物化学の最新の成果と実験法、考察を解説し、今後の方向を示唆。海外提携先:Harwood Academic Publishers
1. Mechanistic Enzymology and Molecular Genetics of Chain Elongation in Isoprenoid Biosynthesis
2. Biosynthesis of Isoflavone and Related Compounds in Tissue Cultures of Pueraria lobata
3. Carotenoid Biosynthesis at the Gene Level
4. Biosynthesis of Monoterpenoids in Higher Plants: Mechanisms of Chain Elongation and Chiral Center Generation
5. Biogeneration of So-called Green Odor Components by Plant Leaves
6. Biological Diels-Alder Reaction in Biosynthesis of Phytotoxins
7. Biosynthesis of Natural C-P Compounds, Bialaphos and Fosfomycin
8. Regulation of Antibiotic Production: Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases and Autoregulators
9. Mechanistic Enzymology and Molecular Recognition of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase Derived from an Extreme Thermophile, Thermus thermophilus HB8
10. Biosynthesis of Cyclic Bromo Ethers from Red Algae
11. Molecular Biology and Engineering of Biosynthesis of Cysteine and Biogenetically Related Non-protein Amino Acids in Plants
12. Pharmacological Applications of Physiologically Active Natural Products
13. Mechanisms in New Bioluminescence Systems