高密度小型化、多数回の充放電が可能で、各種電子機器への応用が急速に広がったリチウムイオン電池の基礎と応用を日本人を中心に第一線の研究者・技術者が解説する初の成書。海外提携先:Wiley-VCH Verlag
1 General Concepts
2 Cathode Active Materials with a Three-dimensional Spinel Framework
3 The Relationship between Structure and Cell Properties of the Cathode for Lithium Batteries
4 Design of the Lithium Anode and Electrolytes in Lithium Secondary Batteries with a Long Cycle Life
5 Development of the Carbon Anode in Lithium Ion Batteries
6 Electrochemical Intercalation of Lithium into Carbonaceous Materials
7 Organic Electrolytes for Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries
8 Performance of the First Lithium Ion Battery and Its Process Technology
9 All Solid-State Lithium Secondary Battery with Highly Ion Conductive Glassy Electrolyte
10 Lithium Ion Plastic Batteries