Mesoscopic Materials
1. Effects of Manybody Interaction on the Properties of Mesoscopic Particles
2. Nonlinear Optical Responses of Frenkel Excitons
3. Optical Properties and Structural Changes in Semiconductor Fine Particles
4. Fundamental and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Semiconductor Mesoscopic Particles
5. Nonlinear Coherent Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanocrystals Embedded in Glass
6. Atomic Bonding and Excitons in Ultrathin PbI2 Crystallites
7. Optical Properties of Mesoscopic Particles Prepared by Sputtering Method
8. Mesoparticle Buried in Semiconductor
9. FIR Spectroscopy of Fine Particles under High Pressure
10. Nanostructure Semimagnetic Semiconductors
11. Kubo Effects in Small Particles of Metals
12. Growth of Crystalline Composite Films of Au-MoS2 and CaF2-MgO
13. Growth of Au-Cu Alloy Particles on and in MgO Films
14. In situ Observation of Spontaneous Alloying in Nanometer-Sized Atom Clusters
15. Cluster-Cluster Aggregation of Calcium Carbonate at the Air/Water Interface
16. Electronic State of Ultrafine Particles Suspended in Liquid Media
17. Electron Correlation within Fine Particles and Quantum Dots
18. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Coated Composite Nanoparticles
19. Structure and Physical Properties of Chalcogen Microclusters
20. Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of III-V Semiconductor Nanocrystals
21. Absorption and Photoemission Studies of Au-55 Metal Clusters
22. Stability of Spin-glass Ordering in the Nanoparticle System
23. Screening Effects in Metal Clusters
24. Electronic States of Transition Metal Clusters
25. SIMS Experiment
26. Preparation of Nanometer-sized Composite Particles by Flowing Gas Evaporation Technique
27. Tungsten and Chromium Having the A15-Structure
28. Dynamic Properties of Cluster Ions in Relation to the Geometric and Electronic Structures
29. Structure and Reactivity of Binary Clusters
30. Formation and Application of High Intensity Cluster Beams
31. Cluster Ions Emitted from a Liquid Metal Ion Source
32. Neutron Irradiation of Carbon Nanoparitcles
33. Size-dependent Characteristics of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes
34. Laser-plasma Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Laser-ablated Silicon and Graphite Particles
35. Optical Study of Free Clusters and Microcrystals by Time- and Space-resolved Spectroscopy Combined with Gas Evaporation Method
36. Electronic Structures of Graphitic Carbon Cage Structures
37. Ab initio Investigation of Metal-doped B12 Solids
38. Structure and Stability of Large Carbon Clusters
39. Carbon Clusters and Carbon Composite Pariticles
40. ESR Studies on Endohedral Metallofullerenes
41. Development of a Scanning Atom Probe
42. STM/STS Study of Semiconductor Clusters
43. Structure and Physical Properties of Atomic Clusters in MgO Crystals
44. Vibrational Modes and Structure of C60 on Si (111) 7 × 7 and Graphite Surfaces -- Study by HREELS-STM