1. Introduction
● I Fundamental Aspects of Photocatalysts
2. Photoelectrochemical Processes of Semiconductors
3. Design, Preparation and Characterization of Highly Active Metal Oxide Photocatalysts
4. Photoelectrochemistry at Semiconductor/Liquid Interfaces
5. Photoelectrochemical Reactions at Semiconductor Microparticle
6. New Approaches in Solution-phase Processing of Semiconductor Thin Films
● II Application to Environmental Cleaning
7. Self-cleaning Properties of TiO2-coated Substrates
8. Cleaning Atmospheric Environment
9. Water Purification Degradation of Aqueous Pollutant and Application to Water Treatment
10. Second-generation TiO2 Photocatalysts Able to Initiate Reactions Under Visible Light Irradiation
● III Application to Photoenergy Conversion
11. Photocatalytic Organic Syntheses Using Semiconductor
12. Sonophotocatalysis--Joint System of Sonochemical and Photocatalytic Reactions
13. Gas-phase Water Photolysis by NaOH-coated Photocatalysts
14. Water Photolysis by TiO2 Particles--Significant Effect of Na2CO3 Addition on Water Splitting
15. Water Photolysis by titanates with Tunnel Structures
16. Water Photolysis by Layered Compounds
17. Splitting of Water by Combining Two Photocatalytic Reactions via Quinone Redox Couple Dissolved in Oil Phase: Artificial Photosynthesis
18. Sensitization by Metal Complexes Towards Future Artificial Photosynthesis
19. Catalyses and Sensitization for Water Reaction Towards Future Artificial Photosynthesis
20. Photoelectric TiO2 Solar Cells